Trump Indictment vs. Biden Family Legal Issues

There’s an ongoing double-standard of political hypocrisy at play here…kind of a goose-gander scenario in reverse. Observe how swiftly Trump has been indicted. Not so with Joe, Hunter, et al.


Love him, hate him. Guilty, not guilty. These surface issues pale in comparison with what’s behind the curtain. The greater concern to Republicans/Conservatives/Christians is more pragmatic.

As we watch Trump and a number of others being targeted (and thus far, progressive Democrats remain untouched), one thought should cross our minds: could that someday be me?

Will I one day, by supporting what I feel a worthy cause (ex., pro-life, pro-traditional family, school curriculum reform, etc.), be pounced upon by the powers that be?

And BTW…Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, you are not safe, either. The tables in the future could easily turn on you!

The Trump situation, along with a few other cases, should put a well-founded fear in our hearts. Because what is truly at stake is personal freedom of thought. This is a First Amendment issue.

It appears that when one’s personal convictions do not mesh well with a certain segment of the political landscape, that is sufficient cause to find any way possible to discredit the deviant. We all know this isn’t Trump’s first time starring in the role of the “Let’s Get Trump Show.” Never mind that there are verified parallel offenses on the other side. Irrelevant. Move in on the target and garner as much public support as possible, through any means available.

And we as a society are being led by the nose down this weeded path. We have no choice, as long as the audio and visual media outlets partner in the evil deed. We are held captive in the game, seldom able to find even a nugget of truth.

Yet, all is not lost. For as long as there are clear-thinking citizens with the ability to discern fact from fiction and can see through the layers of hypocrisy, there is hope. It behooves this remnant of our free society to pass on to their family and friends what they discover from the most reputable sources possible…while they still can.

Then, may we see a new wave of ethics and objective truth emerge from the ashes of deception and lies. For the sake of freedom, let it be so.


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